24 thoughts on “FC Barcelona – The Guardiola System 2008-2012 ||HD||

  1. this was the best video i’ve ever seen in my entire life, i think i cried a lil bit.
    te amo pep

  2. I’m aggravated. My step-brother resides on the floor above me and he as of late got brilliant with girls. The guy went to the Master Attraction site (Take a look in Google) by Jake Ayres. Now I hear him bringing women back. He’s continuously getting the ladies back and I can’t help but hear it, which is nasty and If only he had not discovered that site. My best companion just signed up and got a blowjob a week later.

  3. Exactly.(Im a Barca Fan) Barca became the best in the world for the way they dominated Europe and the trophies they’ve won. Bayern was by far the best team this year, they outshine Barca in every way, but its only 1 Season. Bayern need to do what they did this year for the next 4 or 5 to be compared to Barca. They have what it takes but only time will tell.

  4. Agree, even the best Bayern, the best team in Europe by far wont be able to win the 6 trophies Barca won since they lost their first trophy to dortmund. All Barca need to fight for the “best in the world” title is a new defense.

  5. The sad part is that we won’t see another FC Barcelona like this until they stop ignoring their defense errors

  6. Barca is my favourite club! Even if they was losing 7-0 vs. Bayern or in the CL vs. Chelsea! And the video is amazing too! LIKE

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